International and national studies of norms and gender division of work at the life course transition to parenthood 
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Maria Reimann: ‘It is not something we consciously do’: Polish couples’ struggles to maintain gender equality after the birth of their first child. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 188-206.
Online version

Daniela Grunow: Resisting or embracing institutional models of parenthood: an analytical framework. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 3-28.
Online version

Daniela Grunow: Comparing couples’ narratives over time: data and methods. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 29-39.
Online version

Marie Evertsson & Daniela Grunow: Swimming against the tide or going with the flow? Stories of work-care practices, parenting norms and the importance of policies in a changing Europe. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 226-246.
Online version

Daniela Grunow
& Marie Evertsson: New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. In print.
Online version


Gerlieke Veltkamp: Anticipating 'secure' developments: how pre- and postnatal healthcare professionals work with risk and trust and (re)-shape mothers' and fathers' roles in the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.
Online version


Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson: Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Edward Elgar
Online version

Daniela Grunow & Gerlieke Veltkamp: Institutions as reference points for parents-to-be in European societies: a theoretical and analytical framework. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Edward Elgar. Online version

Daniela Grunow: Comparing couples’ narratives within and across countries. Research design, sampling and analysis. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Edward Elgar

Online version

Marie Evertsson & Daniela Grunow: Narratives on the transition to parenthood in eight European countries. The importance of gender culture and welfare regime. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Edward Elgar.
Online version

Natalie Nitsche & Daniela Grunow: Gender Ideology, Relative Resources and the Division of Housework over the Course of Relationships. Advances in Life Course Research. 29, 80–94. doi:10.1016/j.alcr.2016.02.001 Online version


Daniela Grunow & Silke Aisenbrey: Economic instability and mothers' employment: A comparison of Germany and the U.S. Advances in Life Course Research. 29, 5-15.doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2015.09.005. Online version

Sanjiv Gupta, Marie Evertsson, Daniela Grunow, Magnus Nermo &  Liana S. Sayer: The economic gap among women in time spent on housework in former West Germany and Sweden. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Volume XLVI(2): 181-202.  Abstract

Katia Begall & Daniela Grunow: Labour Force Transitions around First Childbirth in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review. 31(6): 697-712. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcv068. Online version

Katia Begall, Melinda Mills  & Harry B. G. Ganzeboom: Non-Standard Work Schedules and Childbearing in the Netherlands: A Mixed-Method Couple Analysis. Social Forces, 93(3): 957-988. Online version

Katya Ivanova & Katia Begall: The second time around. Educational attainment and repartnering in the Russian Federation and Estonia. Zeitschrift Für Familienforschung Special Issue 10 'Family Dynamics after Separation': 165–182.

Marie Evertsson, Daniela Grunow & Silke Aisenbrey: Work Interruptions and Young Women’s Career Prospects in Germany, Sweden and the US. 
In press. Work, Employment and Society. Published online before print November 2015. doi: 10.1177/0950017015598283


Daniela Grunow
& Nina Baur: The Association between Norms and Actions. The Case of Men’s Participation in Housework. Comparative Population Studies, 39(3): 521-558. Online version

Daniela Grunow & Nina Baur: Die Korrespondenz von normativen Vorstellungen und Handeln. Das Beispiel männlicher Hausarbeit. Comparative Population Studies, 39(3): 479-520. Online version


Daniela Grunow: Zwei Schritte vor, eineinhalb Schritte zurück. Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsteilung und Sozialisation aus Perspektive des LebensverlaufsZeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 33(4): 384-398. Online version

Daniela Grunow: Aufteilung von Erwerbs-, Haus- und Familienarbeit in Partnerschaften im Beziehungsverlauf. Der Einfluss von Sozialpolitik in Europa. In: Detlev Lück und Waltraud Cornelißen (Eds.): Geschlechterunterschiede und Geschlechterunterscheidungen in Europa. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
Online version

(reprint) Daniela Grunow, Silke Aisenbrey & Marie Evertsson: Polityka Rodzinna, Wyksztalcenie I Kariera Zawodowa Matek W Niemczech, Stanach Zjed-noczonych I Szwecji. Übersetzung des Artikels ‘Familienpolitik, Bildung und Berufskarrieren von Müttern in Deutschland, USA und Schweden. (Family Policy, Education, and Employment Careers of Mothers in Germany, the U.S. and Sweden) Roczniki Nauk Społecznych 40(4): 131-174.

Katia Begall: How do educational and occupational resources relate to the timing of family formation? A couple analysis of the Netherlands. Demographic Research, 29: 907-936.


Gerlieke Veltkamp & Daniela Grunow: Zorgverdeling tussen vaders en moeders: de rol van gezinsprofessionals. Nederlandse situatie in Europese context. (Care division between fathers and mothers: the role of family professionals. The Netherlands in an European context). Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 33(3&4): 462-483. Online version, English version

Marie Evertsson & Daniela Grunow: Women’s work interruptions and career prospects in Germany and Sweden. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32(9): 561-575. Online version

Daniela Grunow & Dana Müller: Kulturelle und strukturelle Faktoren bei der Rückkehr in den Beruf: ostdeutsche, westdeutsche und ost-west-mobile Mütter im Vergleich. (Impact of cultural and structural factors upon the return to work: Comparing mothers in eastern Germany, western Germany, and east-west mobile mothers). Zeitschrift für Familienforschung Special Issue ‘Family and Relationships in East and West Germany: Similar but still different’: 55-78. Online version

Daniela Grunow, Florian Schulz & Hans-Peter Blossfeld: What Determines Change in the Division of Housework over the Course of Marriage? International Sociology, 27(3): 289-307. Online version

Florian Schulz & Daniela Grunow: Comparing Diary and Survey Estimates on Time Use. European Sociological Review, 28(5): 622-632Online version


Daniela Grunow
: Flexicurity, instabilità lavorativa e formazione di una famiglia da parte dei giovani in Danimarca. (Flexicurity, employment uncertainty and family formation of youth in Denmark). Sociologia del Lavoro, 124(4): 75-92. Online version

Daniela Grunow, Silke Aisenbrey & Marie Evertsson: Familienpolitik, Bildung und Berufskarrieren von Müttern in Deutschland, USA und Schweden (Family Policy, Education, and Employment Careers of Mothers in Germany, the U.S. and Sweden). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 63(3): 395-430. Online version

Daniela Grunow & Silke Aisenbrey: Mothers - the new hidden reserve? Germany and the U.S., a Comparison. In press. ISERP working paper 2011-2. Columbia University

Daniela Grunow: Flexicurity, employment uncertainty and family formation of youth in Denmark. In press. TransEurope working paper. 2001-37. Online version

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