International and national studies of norms and gender division of work at the life course transition to parenthood 
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APRIL 2019

We are happy to confirm that New Parents in Europe. Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies, the follow up to our previous book Couples' Transitions to Parenthood, will be available on May 2019. If you would like to get more information, please click here.


APRIL 2018

Congratulations to Gerlieke Veltkamp who finished and defended her thesis with the title "Anticipating 'secure' developments: How pre- and postnatal healthcare professionals work with risk and trust and (re)shape mothers' and fathers' roles in the Netherlands, Germany and Poland" successfully.


We are thrilled to announce that Couples' Transitions to Parenthood
Analysing Gender and Work in Europe, edited by Daniela Grunow and Marie Evertson, will be available on the 28th of October as hard copy. More information on the book can be found here. Red the first chapter of the book for free here! Click on the book to download the flyer:

Couple's Transition to Parenthood

We would like to congratulate our dear team member Katia Begall on giving birth to her second daughter, Franka. We wish the family of four great happiness and all the best.


Daniela Grunow and Marie Evertson held a session at the 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33) titled Analysing qualitative longitudinal couple data. A comparative perspective. In this session,  Gerlieke Veltkamp presented a work with Katia Begall on the division of care and work before and after the first birth in Dutch couples: a longitudinal mixed-method analysis. Alexandra Ils presented  her research on parenthood in media.

Alexandra Ils gave a talk about the portrayal of parents in newspaper media at the 8th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR)  in Dortmund, Germany.

JUNE 2016

Daniela Grunow and Sandra Buchler presented a research paper titled “Gender Ideologies Across Europe: Testing a Multidimensional Framework” at the Work and Family Researchers Network conference, June 22-25, in Washington, USA. The research is co-authored by Katia Begall. Using a sample of 33 European countries and latent class analysis, Begall, Buchler and Grunow find that multi-dimensional ideologies, including intensive parenthood and egalitarian essentialism, have largely replaced traditional ideologies. The next step of the research is to examine how these multidimensional gender ideologies are influenced by individual characteristics.


Gerlieke Veltkamp and Alexandra Ils presented their research with Daniela Grunow on "Pre- and postnatal healthcare and gendered parenting norms: A comparison of professionals' views and practices in the Netherlands and Germany" at the ESHMS 3rd Special Interest Meeting in Trondheim, Norway.

JULY 2015

Daniela Grunow, Katia Begall and Sandra Buchler presented a paper on "Policy-Culture Gaps and the Role of Gender Norms" at the ESRA confrence in Reykjavik. 
The study examines which role gender norms play in relation to policy frameworks (i.e. family policies), how clear-cut gender norms acutally are withing countries and investigates the fit between these norms and existing family policy frameworks. 

MAY 2015

Daniela Grunow, Katia Begall and Sandra Buchler presented their research from the Apparent Project at the spring meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification (RC28) of the International Sociological Association in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The presentation was titled "Policy-culture gaps and the role of gender norms".


We would like to welcome our new team member Alexandra Ils, who will work on the apparantNEWS project.  We are looking forward to a  fruitful cooperation. 


Daniela Grunow, Marysia Reimann, Katia Begall and Sandra Buchler presented their research from the Apparent Project at the 7th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) in Madrid, Spain. Daniela Grunow and Marysia Reimann also participated in the TransParent Symposium ‘Transition to the first child in Europe: A crucial moment for gender (in)equality’ organized by Teresa Jurado from the TransParent Network.

Daniela Grunow delivered one of the keynote speeches at the conference of the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) in Berlin, Germany  titled ‘Two Steps Forward, One and a Half Steps Back. Gender, Work and Labour Division at the Transition to Parenthood’.

The paper 'The Association between Norms and Actions: The Case of Men's Participation in Housework' by Daniela Grunow and Nina Baur has been published in Comparative Population Studies. The paper is available in Englisch ( and German ( 

APRIL 2014

We would like to congratulate our team member Gerlieke, who gave birth to her son Thom. We wish the growing family a happy and enjoyable time and all the best for the future.

MARCH 2014

We are happy to announce that our team member Katia gave birth to her daughter Matilde. We wish all the best to the little family in this new stage of life. 


Latest publications:

Daniela Grunow 2013: Zwei Schritte vor, eineinhalb Schritte zurück. Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsteilung  und  Sozialisation  aus  Perspektive  des  Lebensverlaufs.  (Two  Steps forward, one-and-a-half Steps back. Gendered labor  division and socialization from a life course  perspective).  In:  Zeitschrift  für  Soziologie  der Erziehung und Sozialisation 2013(4) 384-398.

Daniela Grunow 2013: Aufteilung von Erwerbs-, Haus- und Familienarbeit in Partnerschaften im Beziehungsverlauf. Der Einfluss von Sozialpolitik in Europa. (Division of paid and unpaid care work among couples over time. The impact of social policies in Europe.)  In:  Detlev  Lück und Waltraud Cornelißen (Eds.): Geschlechterunterschiede  und Geschlechterunterscheidungen in Europa. 237-263.

Daniela Grunow, Silke Aisenbrey & Marie Evertsson 2013: Polityka Rodzinna, Wyksztalcenie I Kariera Zawodowa Matek W Niemczech, Stanach Zjed-noczonych I Szwecji. Übersetzung des Artikels ‘Familienpolitik, Bildungund Berufskarrieren von Müttern in Deutschland, USA und  Schweden. (Family  Policy, Education, and Employment Careers of Mothers in Germany, the U.S. and Sweden) In: Roczniki Nauk Społecznych 40/IV. 


We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Sandra Buchler joins our team as associate member. Sandra comes to us from the University of Bamberg, where she was involved in the eduLIFE project. Her current research focuses include how first births influence attitudes towards gender roles, the influence of gender on transitions into the labour market and happiness. We wish her a very warm welcome and are looking forward working together.

Kristina John decided to leave the APPARENT project at the end of January. We wish her all the best and every success in her future endeavours. 

JULY 2012

We are happy to announce that our team member Gerlieke gave birth to her daughter Marie. The little family feels well and can experience parenthood from now on not only through an academic lens. 


APPARENT in the media (German article: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, January 15th 2012)

"Falling into the working trap
Most fathers would like to spend more time with the family. Instead,  fathers work even more. Who is responsible for this discrepancy between desires and reality? ..."  read more


APPARENT in the media (German article: Der Tagesspiegel, August 28th 2011)

"Families today - what does it mean to be a good father?
The new fathers take up parental leave, show more emotions and are considerably more often present at home compared to the past. The question is if this is true. Searching answers from men, scientists, philosophers and statistics ..."  read more

JUNE 2011

On the 1st of June the first wave of fieldwork in Poland will start. 25 couples who are now expecting their first child will be interviewed about their experiences, ideals and plans regarding pregnancy and the birth of their first child.

MARCH 2011

APPARENT on ERC Striking Project Website:

"Researchers are to carry out a comprehensive investigation into how parenting is perceived by professionals, the media, the parents themselves and look into differences across various European countries.
The image of the woman in the home, cooking and holding the baby is fast becoming one of previous times. Traditional family roles are being reversed with fathers staying home and mothers going out to work. But is this gender division of labour so clear-cut? What impact does society, family policy, the media and experts have on the decisions made by parents? ..."    read more


APPARENT in the media (Dutch article: Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, November 24th, 2010)

"De komst van kinderen heeft grote gevolgen voor de rol van man en vrouw en de verdeling van werk tussen beide seksen. Socioloog dr. Daniela Grunow ontving een ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant van 1,4 miljoen euro voor een onderzoek naar de invloed van ouderschapsnormen en wetgeving op de taakverdeling tussen vaders en moeders in zes Europese landen.

Gelijkheidsonderzoek is Grunow niet vreemd; in het verleden voerde ze diverse studies uit naar achtergestelde groepen op de arbeidsmarkt. Tijdens die onderzoeken concludeerde ze al dat ouderschap een belangrijke ommezwaai inhield in de gelijkheid tussen man en vrouw. ‘Mannen en vrouwen zijn tegenwoordig vrijwel gelijk aan elkaar op de arbeidsmarkt, totdat er kinderen komen, vertelt de socioloog. ‘Zodra het eerste kind is geboren, gaat dat plotseling uit elkaar lopen. De overgang naar het ouderschap is een belangrijk keerpunt in het leven ..."    read more

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